Wednesday, September 28, 2005
This is the one of the few true baby pictures I have on Lindsay in my possession. The really good ones are thousands of miles away in Montana. This was taken in 1976 I would guess in Jackson with our Granny Brown. Lindsay is the youngest Brown grandchild and I am the third youngest. Dad always said Lindsay's curly hair and temper came from Granny. Granny was known to throw her cards across the room sometimes when losing a game of Rook and Lindsay occasionally did the same while playing Gin on summer vacation.
Lil' knap
Lindsay's hair went from very curly at 2 to totally straight at 3 and then back to curly later in childhood. She was cute either way and we had fun with all our kittens on the farm. Lindsay, at age 2, came up with the best cat name of all time for one of our black kittens -- Burnt Bacon. I don't know what kitten she has here, but I love the bare feet and pink overalls. She looks like the quintessential farm baby in this picture that is one of my favorites.
(random personal side note: That stone planter was part of a set of two. When I was five years old I tripped on a small wooden garden partition and hit my cheekbone on the side on one of those suckers. Is weird as it sounds, it didn't hurt at all although it cut straight to the bone. I vivdly remember showing Mom the cut and she screamed and anyone who knows Libby Brown knows she is not a screamer. We went to a nearby emergency room where I got stitched up and what I remember most is the doctors and nurses being so nice to all of us. I don't remember any pain at all, just amazement with the small operating room and the kindness of what seemed like a huge group of medical folks who helped us out. As a parting gift, they made me a balloon out of a surgical glove with a face drawn on it with permanent marker and two of the fingers tied together as a bow. It's weird how you can have such detailed memories of certain events in your life and forget others all together.)
Gorilla Girls
I remember the day this picture was taken. In Troutville we had a very cool babysitter named Beanie, yes Beanie. I can't remember her last name, but I know Mom and Dad know it because Beanie's large family went to St. Paul's Episcopal Church with us in nearby Fincastle, Va. and they owned horses. Beanie brought this giant stuffed gorilla for us to play with on a Saturday night when she stayed with me, Linds, and Katherine and John Glass who were staying with us with their parents John and Nancy. I also remember Beanie bringing us a bag of Tootsie Pops that Linds and Katherine obviously have with our wonderful sweet cat Piper Paw strolling by on the left.
Dominoes with Mimi --- Nashville 1977
This is the same table where I took pictures of Laurie's kids eating dinner last month. This is the shortest Lindsay's hair ever was and I can only guess Mimi gave her the haircut. Our Mimi looks so young here. She was 55, but she looks much younger than that to me. Although slightly overexposed, I love this photo.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Troutville, Va. -- Spring/Summer 1978
Before we moved to Auburn, my family lived in Troutville, Va. where my dad was the editor of a small newspaper called The Vinton Messenger. We lived in an old farmhouse my parents had renovated themselves and it was a paradise for us as we had a real farm with chickens, geese, rabbits, pigs cats and dogs and a huge vegetable and flower garden that my parents planted. We all cried the day we left this house to move to Auburn. I don't think my parents ever loved a house the way the way they loved this one and I never had to wonder why. It was beautiful and a perfect place to be a little kid. Unfortunately being the editor of a tiny newspaper in the 1970s didn't pay enough to raise two kids and sadly it still doesn't. I know Mom and Dad were glad to get the job offer at Auburn University in 1979, but sad to leave our wonderful farm. I have so many fond memories of the place and loved having all those critters and so much space to roam.
Jackson, Ala. -- Fall 1979
This is one of my very favorite pictures of Lindsay. This outfit is so adorable and looks like it was stolen off the set of "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" -- the original of course. This was taken in front of our Granny Brown's wood pile. She had an old wood stove that she used to make coffee and to keep the house warm, just like in the old days. The kitchen had the best smell of wood smoke, real coffee and bacon cooking. We always had fun getting spoiled by Granny and all our sweet Aunts down in Jackson, Ala.
Skipping way on back
I have huge gaps in time in my collection of Lindsay photos and have no really good adolescent photos and I know she won't mind that I don't post the ones that I have. This picture was taken at our Granny Brown's house in Jackson, Ala. in 1982. I still have the bear I am holding and I loved the smurf belt I was wearing so much. I think Lindsay had one of her personalized unicorn barrettes on. Too bad I don't have a close up of those '80s gems.
Montevallo, Winter 1992
The structure being built in the back are the bigger, but still crappy, apartments Clare and I moved to after this apartment. It snowed heavily on two occasions when I was at Montevallo and this was one of them. We did what any college kids did in the deep south when it snowed -- partied. Classes were cancelled, roads were iced and impassable so we walked everywhere. I remember Linds had an ear infection that was really bothering her by the end of her long weekend with us and someone had a pain pill that knocked her out. We had a party at our small apartment and it seems like everybody that could fit in there was there. We never lost power during this storm and had fun out of the rare weather treat known as snow.
Laughs with Lou and Boo
This picture was taken at the last night we had the at the famous Southside aparment of my friends Jonathan and Liane (Lou) on the eve of the day Liane moved to Boston to live with Roy (Boo). It was a happy and sad night, but mostly happy. We still talk about that apartment and miss 1413 33rd St. B like an old beloved friend. It was and always will be the most amazingly spaceous and wonderful apartment in the city of Birmingham to me.