Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Lil' knap

Lindsay's hair went from very curly at 2 to totally straight at 3 and then back to curly later in childhood. She was cute either way and we had fun with all our kittens on the farm. Lindsay, at age 2, came up with the best cat name of all time for one of our black kittens -- Burnt Bacon. I don't know what kitten she has here, but I love the bare feet and pink overalls. She looks like the quintessential farm baby in this picture that is one of my favorites.

(random personal side note: That stone planter was part of a set of two. When I was five years old I tripped on a small wooden garden partition and hit my cheekbone on the side on one of those suckers. Is weird as it sounds, it didn't hurt at all although it cut straight to the bone. I vivdly remember showing Mom the cut and she screamed and anyone who knows Libby Brown knows she is not a screamer. We went to a nearby emergency room where I got stitched up and what I remember most is the doctors and nurses being so nice to all of us. I don't remember any pain at all, just amazement with the small operating room and the kindness of what seemed like a huge group of medical folks who helped us out. As a parting gift, they made me a balloon out of a surgical glove with a face drawn on it with permanent marker and two of the fingers tied together as a bow. It's weird how you can have such detailed memories of certain events in your life and forget others all together.)


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